A new challenge

For my graduation project, I wanted to choose a different topic from VR and decided on the fourth dimension, this topic already had my interest for a while and the mathematics of it looked like a good challenge. The first focus of the project was the technical implementation and rendering of the 4D objects. The second focus was the design of the game, to find ways to make 4D less confusing for the player. You can play the game prototype on Itch.io

Technical challenge

4D is the mathematical concept of a world described by four directions as opposed to the three-dimensional world we know. To make a 4D game requires a different approach than normal graphics, there is no true way to 'see' 4D like we can see 3D, there are two common ways to display a 4D object: intersection and projection. For this project I implemented both to learn more about 4D, meshes, rendering and math. Matrix multiplication was also frequently used in this project, and this project made me understand it much better than I did before.

Design challenge

4D is a super confusing topic that's very hard to understand, but I needed to make my game playable and understandable for any player which I achieved via: the method to display 4D, the visual design of the world, adding extra indicators of orientation and slowly introducing difficulty in levels.